Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis is focused inward attention and concentration. When the mind is concentrating and focused, people may find it easier to find their own core values which assist them to make personal changes. Because hypnosis and self-hypnosis allow people to tap into their potential, they often gain more self-control (it is a myth that people lose control during hypnosis).

Everyone has experienced hypnosis or an altered state of consciousness. Being absorbed in thought, caught up in the story while reading a book or watching TV, is a way we are in an altered state of paying attention.

Driving your car while your mind was on auto-pilot and you get to your destination and think “How did I get here?” this is another hypnotic-like state of mind, that people experience daily. Clinical hypnosis is different only to the extent that you will be experiencing it with the guidance of your Hypnotherapist, rather than spontaneously.

In clinical hypnosis guided mental imagery and deep relaxation is utilized. The mind responds very well to imagery and this assists in bringing about personal changes and desired outcomes.

Clients that struggle with unwanted behaviors may be encouraged in hypnosis to imagine acting differently and more productively. The unconscious mind then moves the mind to bring about the positive changes. Clients, with fears might be invited to imagine being a supportive advisor or friend to himself/herself, and as a result, find the fearful response no longer bothersome.

Clinical hypnosis can also be used to better understand underlying motivations for emotional or behavioral difficulties. Hypnosis provides a safe and secure state of mind in which to both examine the roots of problems and explore promising alternatives.

Facts About Hypnosis

• The clucking like a chicken only happens in stage shows. This is not something that occurs in clinical Hypnosis.

• Learning to experience hypnosis and to use self-hypnosis provides more self-control for the client. The client never loses consciousness. Hypnosis is a state of heightened awareness and the client remembers everything that took place during the session.

• The Hypnotherapist is merely a facilitator, helping the client discover that hypnosis is a natural, safe and peaceful state of mind they allow themselves to experience. It is a collaborative approach, the Hypnotherapist assists the client to discover their own inner resources and path to well-being.

• Check for certification by The National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists (NBCCH). NBCCH is the only nationally recognized certification organization for health care professionals using hypnosis).

Debbie has been certified by the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists in clinical hypnosis.